Wednesday, 11 February 2015


Do you believe in reincarnation? Is it something that happens to our soul when we die? Do we move onto another life in a different physicality and continue our evolution as souls?
There are many different perspectives and opinions on this. There are also many religions based entirely around this concept, and amazingly enough, a lot of evidence that can directly support this theory.
Take Luke for example, a little boy who vividly remembers what appears to be a past life as a woman who died in the 70’s named, Pam.
“We shouldn’t define the soul by race or gender.”

Interestingly enough, this is not the first time that this has occurred. There are many children and adults worldwide who claim to remember their past lives. Sure, you could dismiss some of these quite easily as there is no real proof, but what about the others? What about the instances such as Luke’s who can remember such specific details about his former life that he would not have been able to know otherwise?
Here is a link for another story about a little boy who remembers so much of his past life as a World War II pilot that he actually gets reunited with his sister! There are just too many details that this boy would have had no way of knowing had he not lived the life that he describes.
Is it possible that this is coincidence? Well, maybe, if you believe in coincidence…
It does seem that these occurrences tend to happen more often to children. Is it because as children, it is closer to the time when they were alive in the past, so the memory of their former lives is more predominant? It seems often that children will try to tell us things that we perceive as nonsense, but what if we were to really start listening to them and make a real attempt to understand what they are trying to tell us?

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